The Future of Cantina Kurtatsch: Erwin Carli is the New Head Winemaker

The Future of Cantina Kurtatsch: Erwin Carli is the New Head Winemaker
A new step, in the name of continuity and determination: After 30 years, our previous winemaker Othmar Doná makes space for the younger generation. A change that was long planned and well prepared. No stranger takes the helm: Erwin Carli, 39 years old, works already in our winery since 2013.
Winds of change but same philosophy
Thanks to 9 years as agronomist and second winemaker Erwin knows our 190 vineyards and our philosophy in the cellar better than anyone else. His path will be defined by continuity but also by flexibility in adapting to new challenges with courage and skill, starting from research. Experiments on alternative yeasts to control alcohol development, studies on the carbon footprint of glass and the use of sustainable packaging, continuous improvements made to the cellar: Cantina Kurtatsch pursues a type of production that is entirely sustainable.
In continuity with what has been done in recent decades, thanks to the vision of Othmar Donà, analysis and research will also continue in the vineyard in accordance with the distinctive “Vineyard by Vineyard, Wine by Wine” approach. This method has been developed to create the best possible conditions for the production of each label and bring out the best possible expression of the potential of each variety, in consideration of the transformations brought by climate change.
Legacy and philosophy
The legacy left by his predecessor is one that Erwin Carli honors and respects. «I obviously have to thank Omar for where I am today: being able to work and start from an excellent foundation is something that I owe to him. The framework that he has set for Cantina Kurtatsch allows us, today, to be a modern winery that can face the challenges posed by the market. – Erwin shares. – All of this would have never been possible without his strong determination: he always persisted even when the market did not appreciate our products. He has given us the opportunity to work with vines of a certain age, applying a production philosophy that is widely respected and acknowledged.»
Erwin welcomes the particularly challenging role that entails certain complications but also is a source of pride: leading a cooperative winery with 190 members is a responsibility that the winemaker, just like his predecessor, purposefully and respectfully accepts. He emphasizes the sense of pride in gaining the trust of such a large group and the awareness of the importance of guiding the members wisely. The goal is to always remain aligned, without imposing decisions, strengthening the members’ satisfaction and their sense of belonging, supporting them every step of the way.
The newly elected winemaker is guided by the desire to continuously embody the territory by conveying – through wine – the pride and the bond of the cooperative with its environment. And in accordance with a philosophy that is – as he has defined it – respectful of the terroir, determined and steadfast. «I will not rest until a product is made the way it should be – Erwin affirms. – A wine comes from a specific territory and must reflect it, even though it may clash with current styles. Trends come and go, vines are here to stay.»
Down-to-earth, accurate and passionate - that's how we would describe him. What he says about himself, which visions he pursues and why he is exactly the right person for this position, can be seen in this short video!