FUTURE IS NOW: we present the white blend Resi

FUTURE IS NOW: we present the white blend Resi
Our close relationship with nature, which we have lived for years, is once again expressed by an eccentric and forward-looking newcomer: the white blend Mitterberg IGT Resi. The fresh and floral cuvée consists mainly (80%) of the RESIstent (piwi) grape varieties Bronner and Souvignier Gris, which, due to their natural resistance to fungal diseases, require almost no plant protection. The remaining 20% are organically grown grapes from high altitude vineyards.
Discover in the following what makes our Resi so special! Resi is...
... resistent & sustainable
The varieties that make up the Cuvée are the so-called PIWI varieties (an acronym for the German word pilzwiderstandfähig): Bronner and Souvignier Gris (80%) are varieties that are naturally RESIstant to fungal diseases and do not require almost any type of external protection, which is why this viticulture will make a significant contribution to sustainable cultivation in the long term and is forward-looking. In recent years, some of our members have increasingly relied on PIWI varieties, alongside the observance of sustainable measures that are already in place. We are pleased that their effort and their passion are now being rediscovered and even more appreciated with Resi. The remaining part is made up of grapes that are organically cultivated on vineyards located at high altitudes (Müller Thurgau, 20%).
... crazy
A fresh, floral and sustainable wine that has a deep bond with its nature of origin: this is what Resi reveals in the bottle and the philosophy that is recounted by the label. No detail is disregarded in creating a label that honors the town of Kurtatsch, home of the winery and the mountains that bring the cooperative’s iconic wines to life.
The label is like a photograph of the unique characteristics of the territory: olive branches and the mountains that represent the area’s Mediterranean-Alpine climate, flowering winter jasmines that grow on the typical rocky ridges of Cortaccia and that also adorn the wine shop's façade. These details must be admired like a painting in order to grasp the deep bond between the territory and the distinctive elements which identify Cantina Kurtatsch and the production area.
... fresh & flowery
Resi is a Cuvée made with Bronner, Souvignier Gris and grapes from organic vines that grow between 250 and 900 m. asl on sandy and gravelly soils that are rich in dolomite and facing south-east. The important difference in temperatures between day and night, due to the cool evening currents from the slopes of the mountains above, endows Resi with freshness and a rich aromatic profile. While Bronner ensures lightness and fine, spicy and herbaceous aromas, Souvignier Gris gives the wine depth and structure. The Müller Thurgau from the high vineyards proffers enticing floral hints and substantial complexity.
... forward-looking
With the launch of a cuvée produced organically and mainly composed of resistant varieties we want to promote an eco-friendly viticulture that is in line with the sustainable strategy which we have been carrying out for several years, one that will surely provide long-term added value for our members and their families.
Resi is available at our partners, in our online store & in our wine shop. Have fun tasting!